
Gift card Interflora


Interflora is the world's market leader in home delivery of flowers and gifts. The Interflora Gift Card allows you to have flowers, plants and gifts delivered anywhere and within minutes. Any occasion is good to say that with a flower.
Send gift via email Deliver yourself
Enter the details of the recipient of the Gift Card and choose whether to send it via email or deliver it in person.
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Select a Receiver:

Maximum 50 characters

Maximum 50 characters

Maximum 100 characters

Maximum 500 characters

Please note that the entered send date will also be the same for all giftcards you add to your cart

Maximum 100 characters

Would you like to schedule the delivery of the gift? The Gift Card will be sent to your email address, the one you specified during registration, so you can deliver it yourself.


The Interflora Gift Card can not be combined and can be used in a single solution for purchases from the website
Interflora Italia SpA is the leading company in the world in the delivery of flowers and gifts at home. Interflora Italia offers several ways to place an order with your Gift Card: on the website, by telephone at the toll-free number 800.63.88.96, on the website or with the APP for iOS and Android. It is also possible to send flowers abroad.
It is necessary to purchase for amounts higher than at least 1 € of the value of the card. The discount is applied to the final amount (including delivery costs, service charge and taxes). The discount can not be combined with other promotional initiatives.
Attention: Interflora Gift Cards can be spent 48 hours after purchase.


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